"In my art I admit to being ambivalent." - Janine Sophie Krämer
Janine Sophie Krämers interest in forms, colors and the composition of living spaces first awakened when she was just 12 years old. It led to her studying interior design at University of Applied Sciences Mainz. During a stay abroad in Shanghai, Janine learnt about rug manufacturing. The creative and artistic possibilities of expression in this medium immediately fascinated her. 
In extensive self-study she acquired the basics of the manufacturing process and has deepened the expertise on the subject. In her art she realizes her creative visions from design to chosing materials and manufacturing with utmost care.
Her art is a deliberate provocation, a rebellion against the norm. She has an eye for the absurd and emphasizes humorous aspects of her subjects. Janine is fascinated by objects and motifs that seem profane and ordinary at first sight, and what happens when they are taken out of context and proportion and are led ad absurdum. How the meaning of the motif changes depending its surroundings - asking the question of usefulness, function and aesthetics.
The Meat Rugs
The absurdity to have a massive Steak on your wall in times of controversial mass-consumption, plays with the ambivalence in our society between the omnipresent climate- and animal welfare guilt and the pleasure of meat consumption.
In her works Janine Sophie Krämer reflects upon the ambivalence and the fascination for the ostracized good. Her work is a mirror - what does the outsized piece of meat trigger in the beholder in the first moment of confrontation? Is it shock, disgust, protest or surprise, delight and fascination? Would they rather glorify, ban, enjoy or feast their eyes on this work of art?
To be clear, The Meat Rugs are 100% vegan and unfit for human consumption.